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9M0W DXpedition Spratly Island QRV - active or on-the-air?  Every link you'll need to work them better, faster and funner-one site to rule them all!

9M0W - DXpedition to Spratly Island - 9M0W QRT - March 7-13, 2018

9M0W DXpedition Websites:

9M0W "Official Website"

9M0W "Facebook Page" N/A

9M0W "QRZ Page" N/A

9M0W " Page"

9M0W " Page"

Cluster Spots for 9M0W:

Spots on DX Summit for 9M0W

Spots on DX Watch for 9M0W

CW/RTTY reverse beacon for 9M0W

9M0W QSL Info / Online Log:

"Online Log Search" is on the 9M0W QSL page here...

QSL via BURO or direct to YT1AD:

Dr. Hrane Milosevic
Serbia - EU

SAE plus $2 US for direct.

9M0W DXpedition Pilot(s)


Active DX Forum Threads for 9M0W DXpedition:

Active 9M0W thread - QRZ's "DX Zone"

Active 9M0W thread - E-Ham's "DXing"

Additional "DX Zone" threads here

Addtional "DXing" threads here

9M0W DXpediton NOTES:

UPDATE: Wednesday March 7, 2018 21:02 UTC :

The team reports that, yet again, their flight has been delayed by one day. They still expect to be on island and QRV by March 8. If I hear anything else will post it here...

Spratly Island is number 56 on Clublog's "Most Wanted" DXCC list. This can be a dangerous part of the world and hopefully all will go well. The last Spratly operation we covered (DX0P)  had a medical emergency that ended with some's their proposed frequency plan.

9M0W DXpedition Spratly Island

The 9M0W team, YT1AD, HL5FUA, K9JM, YT3W, ZL3WW, K6MKF, PY2XB, KO8SCA, WD5COV, N6TQS, N6SJ, W5XU, VK3FY, VK3GK, SV2GWY, 9M6ABZ, 9M6RHM and 9M6ZAE will be QRV on 160-6m CW, SSB, and digital modes. More to be posted soon...

Good luck to everyone and - see you in the pileups!

73 - Randy / WB9LUR


If you have comments, QSO reports or info to share regarding this DX station please email

Other links where you may find important info regarding this DXactivation: DX-World  |  The Daily DX  | DX Forum  | DX Forum   |  The Reverse Beacon Network  |  ClubLog  |  Announced DX Activations

Announced DXpeditions to be covered in 2018 include

6O6O - Somalia - Jan 3-16, 2018 - QRT
3Y0Z - Bouvet - Jan / Feb, 2018
D68I - Comoros Island - Jan 29-Feb 10, 2018
3D2EU - Rotuma - Feb 23 to March 16, 2018
4B4B - Revillagigedo - March, 2018
XR0YD - Easter Island - March, 2018
XX9B - Macao - March 9-17, 2018
9M0W - Spratly Island - March 2018
3B7A - Agalega & St. Brandon - April, 2018
KH1/KH7Z - Baker Island - June/July, 2018
CY9C - St. Paul Island - August 1-9, 2018
TX5T - Austral Islands - August 15-21, 2018
TO6OK - Mayotte Islands - Sept 20-Oct 6, 2018
VK9XG - Christmas Island - Oct 16-30, 2018
ZL7X - Chatham Island - Oct 16-22, 2018
VP6D - Ducie - Oct/Nov, 2018

Others may be added as they are announced!

* photo at top of page courtesy of N7OU see his interview on DX-Coffee here!


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Copyright © 2015-2018 by Randy Holt / WB9LUR  -  QRZ page


Other links where you may find important info regarding this DX activation: DX-World  |  The Daily DX  | DX Forum  | DX Forum   |  The Reverse Beacon Network  |  ClubLog  |  Announced DX Activations

9M0W DXpedition to Spratly Island - 9M0W